I am continually amazed and inspired by the passion, commitment, and dedication of our Warrior’s Dance students here in Tucson. Our students always work and play hard in the studio, and the intense physical and psychological engagements that take place during our late evening martial arts training sessions seem to inspire many interesting topics of conversation. It’s common for friendly debates to occur during the course of our workouts. Our training environment seems to “kick our minds into a higher gear” and inspire us all to think critically about our relationships to our world, our community, and ourselves. We regularly enjoy discussions about art, science, politics, social reform, and much more…
Martial arts training can be about so much more than self-defense. Our Warrior’s Dance experience weaves itself into every aspect of our lives, and the results are both interesting and inspiring. I have been maintaining a list of these various discussions, mostly about how we “move” through the world figuratively and literally, and I have finally begun to share my thoughts and feelings in a newer blog which I’m very excited about.
Located at http://www.davidlader.com, this new blog is something of a creative forum in which I will discuss Warrior’s Dance, martial arts training in general, and several other subjects I find interesting.
Because I welcome discourse and new opinions, please feel free to visit and join in the conversation! Thank you for taking the time to visit and, as always, Be Well…
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